Setting up a t4l3nt node

Step-by-step instructions for setting up a t4l3nt node

It is very important that you never share your secret keys with anyone. A staff member will never ask you for your secret keys or any other sensitive information.

Install Docker

Installation on Ubuntu

Installation on MacOS

Run docker full node

docker run -d \
    -p 8733:8733 \
    -p 9733:9733 \
    --name t4l3nt-node \
    -v tlnt-data:/home/tlnt \

Full nodes will take several days to sync. See snapshots page to import a snapshot and drastically speed up the syncing process.

Run docker for a rolling node (only syncs recent cycles)

docker run -d -p 8733:8733 -p 9733:9733 -v tlnt-data:/home/tlnt t4l3nt/t4l3nt:v12-tlnt-rolling

Rolling node will sync quickly and takes far less disk space.

For running a full node we run the container in background using -d flag. Another option would be to run the container in interactive mode using the -it flag. You could then also detach your screen using tmux/screen. The name of the container is set to t4l3nt-node but this can be changed or removed.

If you experience errors with the provided Docker image you try to follow the instructions in Build the Docker Image locally

Start a bash session inside the container

docker exec -it t4l3nt-node bash

Inside the container, create a key pair for your node producer wallet

tlnt-client gen keys producer

Remember to never share your secret keys or sensitive information with anyone.


you can view your private key with

cat ~/.tlnt-client/secret_keys (from inside the node bash session)

Copy your keys and save them somewhere securely. Write it down or save it in an encrypted disk with AES256 or better with a long complex password. Don't forget it. Back it up.

Get your public address and deposit FILMCredits

tlnt-client list known addresses

Fully sync your node with the network

tlnt-client bootstrapped

Once the node is bootstrapped you can register your node as a producer

tlnt-client register key producer as delegate

Restart your node once it is bootstrapped and you've added yourself as a delegate.

supervisorctl restart all

You need at least 1 FILMReel (1000 FILMCredits) in order to stake in T4L3NT.

Congrats! You are now staking your balance on the network 🎉

Check peers list

tlnt-admin-client p2p stat

Check logs

cat /var/log/supervisor/tlnt-node.log

cat /var/log/supervisor/endorser.log

cat /var/log/supervisor/accuser.log

Make sure all are bootstrapped.

Last updated