T4L3NT Rewards distributor
Intructions for setting up and using the t4l3nt rewards distributor
Link to github repo https://github.com/Decentralized-Pictures/t4l3nt-reward-distributor
Install Python3
Start a bash session inside the container
Update software list with apt-get
Install Python3
Clone repo and Install rewards distributor dependencies
Install git, nano, and other dependencies and import your key
Edit the distributor config file as you see fit you will need to decide the fees you charge for your producer delegators and any addresses that are exempt from fees etc.
In the yaml file, paste in the configuration and edit the contents to be appropriate for your producer:
Start up the tlnt-signer supervisor process.
Start up the rewards distributor
Add -D flag (Dry run) to just run and create reports in reports/ folder and not actually payout and do the transfers.
The -C flag is the cycle number to start paying out to delegates.
Last updated